Seeing all things new

From the Conversion to the Canonization of Ignatius of Loyola
31.03.2022 19.06.2022


António Júlio Limpo Trigueiros, S.J. e Maria João Pereira Coutinho


Museu de São Roque – Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

The exhibition “Seeing all things new” marks both the 5th centenary of the Conversion and the 4th centenary of the Canonisation of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

The expression chosen aims to draw attention to these two anniversaries, but also to summon a new look at some pieces from public and private, national and foreign historical collections that allow the construction of a narrative that is structured from four thematic nuclei: the first nucleus addresses the theme of the Conversion of the saint while the second seeks to understand how the construction of an iconography was important for the dissemination of the story of the life and image of the main founder of the Society of Jesus. The third nucleus focuses on the process of canonisation of Ignatius of Loyola, along with four other saints, and the fourth nucleus is about the celebration of his canonisation in Portugal, with great expression in the then Professed House of São Roque, the main house of the Jesuits in Portugal and stage of the main festivities of the Society of Jesus in the country.

Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"
Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"
Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"
Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"
Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"
Exposição "Ver Novas Todas as Coisas"