World Heritage Day


Church/Theatre, Theatre/Church

Church of São Roque and São Luiz Theatre
Guided tours
10:00am and 2:00pm

A two-part visit to the Church of São Roque and the São Luiz Theatre, both scenic spaces where stories are told with their own rituals, choreography and props. This time we’re swapping roles: the São Luiz team, led by Miguel Loureiro (artistic director) and Nuno Santos (accessibility), will lead the visit to the Church of São Roque; the theatre will be presented by Helena Mantas (programming and audience mediation) and Ricardo Máximo (audience mediation), from the Cultura Santa Casa team.

This tour is guided in Portuguese language.

Free participation upon prior booking. Bookings are only accepted for the two parts of the visit.

Max. 30 participants


Touchability, Hugo Vasco Reis


Cycle of five works, composed and performed by Hugo Vasco Reis, developed through the act of experimentation, which relate the Portuguese guitar, objects, electronics, and the sense of touch.

Free entry (no booking required)

Free entrance in the Museum of São Roque between 10:00am and 7:00pm.


Serviço de Públicos e Desenvolvimento Cultural
Direção da Cultura da SCML
Tel.: (+351) 21 324 08 69/87/65