The Sacrifice of Agamemnon to the goddess Artemis

INV MT.248
Sacrifício à Deusa Artemísia por Agamemnon (pormenor)

(Trojan War cycle)

Belgium, Brussels, 2nd half of the 17th century

Polychrome silk, gold and silver threads


The mythological theme portrayed in this tapestry is one of the most dramatic episodes in the troubled legend of Agamemnon, distinguished Greek hero in the cause of the Trojan War.

It depicts the moment when he hands over his eldest daughter Iphigenia for sacrifice at the behest of Artemis, all to appease the goddess's anger at having killed a deer in a sacred forest and boasting of being the best hunter. Only this way Artemis would blow good winds favourable to the departure of the Greek armies to Troy.

Although the authorship of the upholsterer and painter of the respective card is unknown, its manufacture is part of the Brussels production.

Sacrifício à Deusa Artemísia por Agamemnon