Preaching of St. Francis Xavier in Goa

Pintura Pregação de S. Francisco Xavier em Goa (pormenor)

André Reinoso (ca.1590-ca.1650)

Portugal, ca.1619

Oil on canvas

104 x 165 cm


This work is part of an important cycle of twenty paintings dedicated to the life of St. Francis Xavier conceived for the sacristy of the Church of São Roque, where it still stands today.

Using an original programme, from the iconographic point of view, for its execution André Reinoso (ca. 1590-after 1650) had in mind both his pressing beatification in Rome and the formation of the young priests in the professed Jesuit house as missionaries for Asia.

In this painting, the author recreates a portrait of the universal catechetical practice implemented by the Apostle of the Indies in Goan society: in the street, for crowds of people, composed of Portuguese and representatives of the various communities, from different classes and cultures, who cross paths there, and who can be identified, thanks to the naturalistic look and the wealth of detail that the painter imprints on the faces, the clothes and the accessories represented.

Pintura Pregação de S. Francisco Xavier em Goa